Guest speaker at ‘Decolonising Chinese Studies Seminar Series’ at University of Manchester | 2023
Chair and Speaker for online roundtable for ‘Crafting research methods of joy-making in East and Southeast Asian communities’ | 2023
Conference paper at The Hepworth Centre, Wakefield titled ‘Countering the Hyper-visibility of Chinese Aesthetics in Britain through the Object Stories of British Chinese Women’ for conference entitled Differencing the Methods of Researching and Archiving Women’s Sculptural Practices | 2022
Conference academic presentation paper “A Zine of Collective Care: An Analysis” at Zine and Self-Publishing in Chinese Cultures conference organised by Dr. Carwyn Morris | 2022
Conference academic presentation paper at Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, London | 2020
Chair Discussant for Camden People’s Theatre titled ‘Does British Chinese Identity Exist?’ | 2019
In-conversation with director Kiki Yu for the film ‘China’s Van Gogh’ at Wimbledon UAL | 2019
BBC Radio North East interview on British Chinese women research | 2017
Conference paper “An Intergenerational Analysis of First and Second Generation British Chinese Women Through Materiality and Art Making” at International Symposium on Transnational Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies from a Gendered Vantage Point, organised by Prof. Liu Jin, Wuyi University: Jiangmen | 2018
Conference paper “Materiality, Embodiment for Second Generation British Chinese Women” Embodied Senses organised by Dr. Georgia Wall at Warwick University: London | 2018
Conference paper “The Object-Stories of British Chinese Women: A Methodological View” HOMElands Annual Lecture organised by Dr. Cangbai Wang at University of Westminster: London | 2018
Poster Presentation ‘Dressing Practices of Second Generation British Chinese women for Language Acts and Worldmaking, Senate House, London | 2018
Conference paper “Material Objects of Second Generation Women: An In-depth Case Study” Language Acts and Worldmaking Conference organised by Prof. Debra Kelly at Senate House: London | 2018
Academic presentation titled ‘Visual ethnography and Migratory Chinese Female Subjectivities’ for Embodied Senses at Warwick University | 2017
Chair discussant for architectural art panel discussion for CIVIC Exhibition, Swansea | 2014
Guest gallery talk at Oriel Myrddin, Carmarthen discussing collaboration of Karla Black and Karin Ruggaber | 2012